Thursday, October 3, 2019

October News

I recently came across this blog post that I love by Elissa Milne, an Australian music teacher that I follow, entitled Fifteen Things You Need to Know About Supporting Your Child to Play the Piano. Yes, I am your child's piano teacher, but I am also my children's piano parent. Kinda weird, I know. So I appreciated this short read as it helped me switch hats from teacher to parent. Would you take a minute and read it.

We are well into our routine now for the school year. How are things going at home? Has your child found a flow to their afterschool time? If not, please intervene. The way you start the year is a good indication as to how the year will progress. Overall, I sense some are starting back slowly and playing one or two days at home during the week. I'm going to focus A LOT in October on how their practice should be at home. I hope you see improvements. You can help by making time for them to practice.

Some of you have let me know you are having trouble paying through your invoice with MyMusicStaff. From what I read, I was told try a difference device and/or different operating system (Mac vs Windows, etc.) If you can't get it to work, you can always send a payment through Paypal.

Check the calendar for upcoming dates:
October 17-18 - No after school lessons - State Conference in Gainsville
November 9 - Baroque Festival at Blues Angel Music Store
November 25-29 - No Lessons - Thanksgiving Break