Monday, November 16, 2020

November Announcements

 Thanksgiving season is upon us, and I am so thankful I get to teach music. I am thankful I get to teach your child music. 


No lessons on Tuesday Nov 24-Friday November 27. Monday students will have a lesson due to the day off on Labor Day.

Christmas Recital
December 8 &10, Tuesday & Thursday
Trinitas Christian School
No Cost

Please make plans to join me on December 8 & 10 for our annual Christmas recital. To sign up please send me an e-mail with your preferred date. Each recital will be about 50 minutes. Only a limited number of performers will be signed up for each recital. It is a big hall and will give plenty of room for distancing. Plan to have your student stay for the complete recital. I will confirm which song your child is playing this week and write it in their binder and on the sheet music. Please help see that this Christmas song is a priority at home for the next three weeks. Reply via email with your preferred recital day or regrets.


If you have been with me for any time, you know this is one of my favorite piano events.In your email you will receive an information letter for Federation Festival. 

What: Federation Festival
When: Saturday, February 6, 2021
Where: Northwest Florida State College
Dress: Sunday Dress

You will be receiving an info letter about Festival this week. Please read it carefully and let me know if your student will be able to attend. I cannot register them after my deadline of December 4. It is extremely important that I hear back from you and receive your registration in time. The cost is $35. If you have a legitimate conflict and need to request an AM time or a PM time, please let me know. I can submit that request, but no guarantees that it'll be honored. Trust me you want to be there in person if you can. If you cannot be there in person, this year an allowance will be made to submit a recorded audition.