Monday, December 6, 2021

December 2021 Announcements


Christmas Recital
December 7th, Tuesday
5:45pm & 7:00pm
Trinitas Christian School
Doors open 15 minutes before each recital
Sunday Dress, preferably Christmas colors

Please bring a small plate of cookies or another dessert to share as we enjoy cookies and listen to our favorite Christmas carols. Please find a place to set your plate on the dessert table. Students should plan to sit with their parents but will join me on the front row just before they play. Students should bring their Christmas music if they have been instructed to use their music at the recital. Those coming to the 7:00 recital should wait in the lobby if they arrive during the first recital. The first recital should be done between 6:30 and 6:40. Remind your students that recital etiquette means not being a distraction during a performance. Talking, crinkling papers, or getting up from your chair can take away for the performance that each student has been working towards. I have enjoyed teaching your child Christas music this year. I look forward to this every year. Lessons continue until Friday, December 17th. Students already have music they should be working on for after Christmas.

5:45 Recital
Jackson Cowart
Hadassah Cowart
Sophia Cowart
Hudson Cowart
Joshua Ibrahim
Daniel Ibrahim
David Ibrahim
Enoch Chen
Elijah Chen
Alijah Connor
Sillivan Hadley
Spenser Hadley
Samson Hadley
Maddy Brigham
Braeden Brigham
Tristan Nelson
Finn Nelson 
Phoebe Nelson
Olivia Varela
Landon Varela
Lawson Varela

7:00 Recital
Allie Gagne
Gareth Gagne
Whitney Todd
Monroe Crawley
Lars Larson
Emma Larson
Jack Strickler (Voice)
Chris Dunham
Jeremiah Butcher (Voice)
Christian Golino
Ellie Wernette
Emma Kimpel
Chloe Chen
Reena Lin
Evana Lin
Oden Lin
Paris Johnson
David Knoblock
Serena Schuler
Alek Agustin
Nataniel Agustin
Lilly Fuller
Joshua Tenniswood (Voice)
Emma Nelson
Hadassah Cowart (Harp)